Friday, July 17, 2009

Weaning on My Mind

Since my breastfeeding baby boy Augustus is almost 11 months old, I have been thinking (and hearing) a lot about weaning lately. I have always intended to nurse for a year, and now that the time is approaching, I have been worrying over how/why/when to wean. One piece I read in my research claimed that the average age babies are weaned worldwide is three years...whereas in the US it is 6 months - and that's only counting the 20% of babies in the US that are breastfed in the first place.
What I have determined is to take it slow and let Gus set the pace for the most part. I have followed that policy with him throughout his babyhood thus far and it has made for a happy baby and mommy. He naps when he is ready, and eats when he is hungry. We've yet to have any problems with that arrangement - he is a great sleeper ( for which I will be eternally thankful) - and a great nurser as well as a big fan of regular food. Of course, I realize I am lucky to be able to stay home with him and provide him all my time and attention. I am thankful for that - and the sacrifices we have made to do so are more than worth it!
So - we will be nursing for a few months more - depending on how quickly Gus is ready to let go. He makes progress every day with is big boy eating - and uses nursing more as a comfort when he falls asleep or just as he wakes. It's good to see him have more independence and actually choose to eat food over nursing. We always give him bites of our food - as long as it is appropriate for his little tummy and baby taste buds! He has quite a developed palate so far - we might have a little chef on our hands! He has eaten gnocchi and various pastas, falafel, hummus, beans of all types, burger, lots of different breads (his favorite is croissant), varieties of cheese and all kinds of fruits and veggies. He hates sippy cups right now, so we got him a regular plastic cup and he loves drinking out of that - tricky for us - cause we have to hold it and make sure he doesn't overdrink! Sippy cups will keep coming back, and when he is ready to hold them himself without the requite toss onto the floor, I think he'll enjoy them more.
So, between research and instinct - I have made peace with our progress.


KosherAcademic said...

I nursed my girls for a year--both were ready to be done then even though I wasn't. I nursed our son for 23 months--I was ready to call it quits (I think he might still be nursing if I hadn't, and he's now 7!). My own very personal philosophy on this is that both parties need to be happy and satisfied--if either one, you OR Gus aren't, then it's time to rethink the status quo.

About our Family said...

Yeah for nursing! 20% is a really low percentage, I knew it was low, but not that low! All I can say is wow.